Monday, September 30, 2019

Cooking and Food Safety Measures Essay

Q1 – Identify potential food safety hazards when preparing, serving, clearing away and storing food and drink. People can get sick if the food they eat has harmful chemicals or microorganisms. This is called food-borne illness. The goal of food safety is to prevent the hazards that cause food-borne illness or injury. Most of the hazards in food are things you cannot see, smell, or taste. – Physical hazard: Hard or soft objects in food that can cause injury. For example, broken glass, jewellery, staples and fingernails. – Chemical hazard: Poisonous substances that occur naturally or are added during food handling. For example, cleaning products and pest control chemicals. – Biological hazard: Germs that cannot be seen without microscope. For example, parasites, viruses and bacteria. ( Preparing: – While preparing food, food workers must remove watches, rings, bracelets, and all other jewelry on the arms or hands. – Using the same cloth for cleaning surfaces used for both raw, i. e. meat and poultry, and ready to eat foods – Physical contamination e. g. flies, jewellery, broken glass and equipment in bad condition. ( Storing: – Store raw meats at the bottom of the fridge to prevent meat juice dropping on the other food – Eggs will be stored under refrigeration in order to reduce the growth of Salmonella – No cleaning materials should be stored where they may come into contact with open food. – Dried foods will be decanted into seal-able containers in order to protect from physical and chemical contamination ( Serving: – Serving Ready-to-eat food (e. g. sliced fruit, cooked pizza, bread) without additional washing or cooking to remove microorganisms. – Must use utensils such as tongs, scoops, deli papers, or single-use gloves to keep from touching ready-to-eat foods. – You place food and drink within easy reach of the individual – You serve food and drink with the appropriate utensils and in a hygienic manner ( Cleaning away: – Food-contact surfaces should be washed, rinsed, and sanitized after each use. – Scrape excess food into a rubbish bin – Leave dishes and cooking utensils to air-dry or wipe with clean dry cloth. – Rinse in clean hot water – Encourage individuals to wash their hands and clean themselves. Q2 – Explain the importance of implementing food safety measures when providing food and drink individuals. Every day people all over the world get sick from the food they eat. This sickness is called food-borne disease and is caused by dangerous microorganisms or chemicals. The importance of implementing food safety measures when handling food and drink is to keep children and young people safe from food-borne illnesses. Q3 – Explain why personal protective clothing should be used when handling food and drink. Personal protective clothing should be used to protect the wearer from specific hazards of a hazardous substance. – PPE includes gloves, respiratory protection, eye protection, and protective clothing. – You should always wear gloves to minimize the chance of bacteria entering the food from unclean hands. – Gloves must be changed each time you do a different task, e. g. preparing sandwiches then going into walk in cooler-touching different contaminated surfaces. – Aprons and chef jackets are a great way to prevent any of your clothing from contaminating the food. – Hairnets and hats are used to prevent hairs from entering food and drink. Q4 – Explain why surfaces, utensils and equipment must be cleaned before beginning a new task. Surfaces, utensils and equipment must be cleaned before beginning a new task to prevent cross-contamination. Cross-contamination is one of the most common causes of food poisoning. It happens when harmful bacteria are spread onto food from other food, surfaces, hands, utensils or equipment. Q5 – Explain the importance of clearing and disposing of food waste promptly and safely. Food waste must be disposed of on a regular basis. This helps to prevent cross contamination. Pests such as flies and insects love leftovers. There is also the added risk of attracting mice and rats. – Food waste and other refuse must not be allowed to left in food rooms, except so far as is unavoidable during the business operation. – It is good practice to remove all waste from the food room at the end of the day. – Food waste and other refuse must be deposited in closable containers. These containers must be of an appropriate construction, kept in sound condition, and where necessary be easy to clean and disinfect. – Adequate provision must be made for the removal and storage of food waste and other refuse. – Refuse stores must be designed and managed in such a way as to enable them to be kept clean, and to protect against access by pests, and against contamination of food, drinking water, equipment or premises. – Refuse should be removed frequently and, depending on the size and type of business more than one collection/removal per week may be required. – Storage facilities must be kept in a clean condition and the waste must be protected from rodents or birds. Q6 – Explain the importance of storing different types of food and drink safely. The importance of storing different types of food and drink safely is to avoid cross contamination and ensure a good rotation of stock. In the UK we end up throwing away 8. 3 million tonnes of food and drink every year and most of this could have been eaten. There are simple things you can do to reduce waste – to try to make sure you don’t buy or cook more food than you want to eat. Some food needs to be kept in the fridge to help stop bacteria from growing on it, such as food with a ‘use by’ date, cooked food and ready-to-eat food such as desserts and cooked meats. – Keep food covered to protect it from contamination from raw foods and physical objects – Always store â€Å"cooked† food above â€Å"raw† meat in the refrigerator this will eliminate the risk of contamination from bacteria and meat juice spillage to other foods. – Do not store food in open cans because when a can has been opened and the food is open to the air, the tin from the can might transfer more quickly to the can’s contents. – Do not overstock the refrigerator, as this will affect the airflow around the food. You can keep food safely in the freezer as long as it has stayed frozen the whole time; however, the taste and texture of food changes if it’s frozen for too long. It should be all right to freeze most raw or cooked foods. – Freeze it before the ‘use by’ date – Follow any freezing or thawing instructions on the label – Defrost it in the fridge so that it doesn’t get too warm. – Ensure food is thoroughly defrosted before cooking food Many types of food don’t need to be kept in the fridge to keep them safe to eat, for example dry foods such as rice, pasta and flour, many types of drinks, tinned foods, and unopened jars. But it’s still important to take care how you store them. – Try to keep food in sealed bags or containers. This helps to keep them fresh and stops anything falling into the food by accident. – Don’t store food or drinks near cleaning products or other chemicals. – Don’t store food on the floor, because this can encourage mice, ants and other pests. – Remember that some types of food might need to be kept in the fridge once you’ve opened them – follow any storage instructions on the label. Task 2 Q1 – Identify sources of information about food safety. – Food Safety Education – Food safety training – Research and development Q2 – Describe how to access and support about own role in maintaining food safety when providing food and drink for individuals. – Talking to teacher or leader of placement – Listen and take notes – Making posters. Bibliography ( Notes (http://www. who. int/foodsafety/publications/consumer/manual_keys. pdf ( http://web. princeton. edu/sites/ehs/hazardcommguide/3. htm (http://www. caerphilly. gov. uk/Pdf/Environment_Planning/HACCP-self-help-guidance-pack-for-caterers. pdf.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Traditional Education vs. Online Education

Now days, with technology generously available, schools are opting to implement online classes into their traditional teaching curriculum. As a result of this our society is divided in two different ways of thinking on the education. Some believe the modern method is better than the traditional method of teaching but yet these two methods are both successful. Personally, I believe both methods should balance one another instead of attempting to substitute one another; this way their purpose of educating will be far more successful. Online education, also called long distant learning, can be defined as a new method of learning through a computer network. This modern way of teaching gives students an opportunity to take classes online. Bill Gates recently predicted that in five years most colleges will be providing online education. â€Å"The self-motivated learner will be on the Web,† Mr. Gates said, speaking at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe. â€Å"College needs to be less place-based. †(Steve) Online courses allow students to access course content, including reading lists and library materials, at any time. This flexibility of online courses is primarily important for students who have young children, who are caring for ailing or elderly family members, who have full-time jobs, or who live too far from campus. Flexible hours are also beneficial because it allow students to work at their own speed; taking courses either part time or on an accelerated schedule. According to the article in the New York Times, titled â€Å"Study Finds That Online Education Beats Classroom,† the SRI International for the Department of Education, conducted a research on online versus traditional classroom teaching from 1996 to 2008. Most of the studies were conducted in colleges and adult continuing-education programs. Over the twelve year span, the Department of Education found that, on average students doing some or all of the course online would rank in the 59th percentile in tested performance, compared with the average classroom student scoring in the 50th percentile (Lohr). According to Barbara Means, the study’s lead author and an educational psychologist at SRI International, online education ultimate goal, is to provide learning experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms. That enables more â€Å"learning by doing,† which many students find more engaging and useful. However, advocates of classroom learning believe the online method isolates the students from one another as well as their professor minimizing the overall value of taking the course. They also claim that students learn better when working together with their instructor and their fellow classmates. Students learn better when they are given the opportunity to ask questions, join in class discussions, and they move the process of learning forward through their participation. Face-to-face advocates firmly believe that this kind of interaction is not possible over the Internet; and for many types of education, e-learning will never meet the potential of live human interaction in the classroom. An article in the New York Times titled, â€Å"Second Thoughts on Online Education,† backs up the points made above. A recent research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, comes to the conclusion; â€Å"A rush to online education may come at more of a cost than educators may suspect. A research funded by the National Science Foundation and the Education Department, consisted on comparing the grades of one group online, and one in classroom lectures. The 312 students were undergraduates at a major state university. The data concluded that certain groups did notably worse online. Such as, Hispanic students who took classes’ online fell nearly a full grade lower than Hispanic students that took the course in class. Male students did abou t a half-grade worse online, as did low-achievers, which had college grade-point averages below the mean for the university. David Figlio, an economist at Northwestern University and co-author of the paper, has a few conclusions as to what accounts for the differences in outcomes. The poorer performance of males and lower-achievers, he says the time-shifting convenience of the Web made it easier for students to put off viewing the lectures and cram just before the test, a tactic unlikely to produce the best possible results. The lower performance by Hispanic students online, Mr. Figlio said, might be due to missing the body language of the teacher and other classroom cues, which could be more important to a student whose first language is not English. The truth of the matter is that there are advantages and disadvantages to every type of learning environment. It is best to use the advantages that each method offers to their fullest extent. It appears from the initial studies, that a combination of online and classroom learning will be the best teaching method for educating a person for the better future of everyone. According to Judy Willis, â€Å"The more regions of the brain that store data about a subject, the more interconnection there is. This redundancy means students will have more opportunities to pull up all of those related bits of data from their multiple storage areas in response to a single cue. This cross-referencing of data means we have learned, rather than just memorized. † However, it is important to accentuate that learning highly depends on the students’ motivation to learn. So it still comes down to the effort that the students put into their education that ultimately decides how beneficial the overall experience was to their future career. Traditional Education vs. Online Education Now days, with technology generously available, schools are opting to implement online classes into their traditional teaching curriculum. As a result of this our society is divided in two different ways of thinking on the education. Some believe the modern method is better than the traditional method of teaching but yet these two methods are both successful. Personally, I believe both methods should balance one another instead of attempting to substitute one another; this way their purpose of educating will be far more successful. Online education, also called long distant learning, can be defined as a new method of learning through a computer network. This modern way of teaching gives students an opportunity to take classes online. Bill Gates recently predicted that in five years most colleges will be providing online education. â€Å"The self-motivated learner will be on the Web,† Mr. Gates said, speaking at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe. â€Å"College needs to be less place-based. †(Steve) Online courses allow students to access course content, including reading lists and library materials, at any time. This flexibility of online courses is primarily important for students who have young children, who are caring for ailing or elderly family members, who have full-time jobs, or who live too far from campus. Flexible hours are also beneficial because it allow students to work at their own speed; taking courses either part time or on an accelerated schedule. According to the article in the New York Times, titled â€Å"Study Finds That Online Education Beats Classroom,† the SRI International for the Department of Education, conducted a research on online versus traditional classroom teaching from 1996 to 2008. Most of the studies were conducted in colleges and adult continuing-education programs. Over the twelve year span, the Department of Education found that, on average students doing some or all of the course online would rank in the 59th percentile in tested performance, compared with the average classroom student scoring in the 50th percentile (Lohr). According to Barbara Means, the study’s lead author and an educational psychologist at SRI International, online education ultimate goal, is to provide learning experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms. That enables more â€Å"learning by doing,† which many students find more engaging and useful. However, advocates of classroom learning believe the online method isolates the students from one another as well as their professor minimizing the overall value of taking the course. They also claim that students learn better when working together with their instructor and their fellow classmates. Students learn better when they are given the opportunity to ask questions, join in class discussions, and they move the process of learning forward through their participation. Face-to-face advocates firmly believe that this kind of interaction is not possible over the Internet; and for many types of education, e-learning will never meet the potential of live human interaction in the classroom. An article in the New York Times titled, â€Å"Second Thoughts on Online Education,† backs up the points made above. A recent research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, comes to the conclusion; â€Å"A rush to online education may come at more of a cost than educators may suspect. A research funded by the National Science Foundation and the Education Department, consisted on comparing the grades of one group online, and one in classroom lectures. The 312 students were undergraduates at a major state university. The data concluded that certain groups did notably worse online. Such as, Hispanic students who took classes’ online fell nearly a full grade lower than Hispanic students that took the course in class. Male students did abou t a half-grade worse online, as did low-achievers, which had college grade-point averages below the mean for the university. David Figlio, an economist at Northwestern University and co-author of the paper, has a few conclusions as to what accounts for the differences in outcomes. The poorer performance of males and lower-achievers, he says the time-shifting convenience of the Web made it easier for students to put off viewing the lectures and cram just before the test, a tactic unlikely to produce the best possible results. The lower performance by Hispanic students online, Mr. Figlio said, might be due to missing the body language of the teacher and other classroom cues, which could be more important to a student whose first language is not English. The truth of the matter is that there are advantages and disadvantages to every type of learning environment. It is best to use the advantages that each method offers to their fullest extent. It appears from the initial studies, that a combination of online and classroom learning will be the best teaching method for educating a person for the better future of everyone. According to Judy Willis, â€Å"The more regions of the brain that store data about a subject, the more interconnection there is. This redundancy means students will have more opportunities to pull up all of those related bits of data from their multiple storage areas in response to a single cue. This cross-referencing of data means we have learned, rather than just memorized. † However, it is important to accentuate that learning highly depends on the students’ motivation to learn. So it still comes down to the effort that the students put into their education that ultimately decides how beneficial the overall experience was to their future career.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Marketing opportunities of Columbia Sportswe, Umbro, Ltd. and Lotto Essay

Marketing opportunities of Columbia Sportswe, Umbro, Ltd. and Lotto Sport - Essay Example Columbia Sportswear: Columbia sportswear founded in 1938 is an American company that mainly deals with manufacture and distribution of adventure wear, sportswear, outerwear and respective accessories. The company has its headquarters in Washington County, Oregon. Over the decades, the company has been able to establish a niche market for itself with great products of highest quality and service. The various products of the company are jackets, shirts, fleece, vests, shorts, bottoms, footwear and other accessories such as backpacks, gloves, scarfs, caps, etc. The company has its presence mainly in America and Europe. Umbro, Ltd.: Umbro is England Company based in Greater Manchester. It is now a subsidiary of Nike. Umbros is also a sports oriented company with its niche being sports related products. Its main activities involve designing of spots related apparels and equipments. It also sources and markets its products. Even though the company’s products involve all sports related products, its niche has been football. The company is known of its products for football. Umbro owned majority stakes in the United Soccer leagues. The company’s products are sold in over 90 countries across the world. Lotto Sport: Lotto Sports is again a sports apparel manufacture established in 1973 and based in Italy. It started out as a footwear manufacturer and has today branched out to manufacturing and selling of other apparel and equipments. Today, Lotto distributes its products around the world in more than 70 countries. It also is an active sponsor of various teams and sportspersons around the world (Lotto, 2011). Marketing Opportunities The various marketing opportunities that the above firms can use to gain a competitive advantage and increase their market share are: Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing is a tool that helps a business to reach the masses on the internet without actually making a major commitment towards marketing expenses. It is a web-based marketing practice that will generate a sale or a lead for the business with the help of an affiliate’s business or a website. The affiliate will be rewarded if a lead or a sale is generated from the affiliate’s eff orts (Ryan & Jones, 2009). Even though this is a common practise it is an effective one and can drive traffic to the website. None of the above companies use this and it is highly recommended for all the three companies. Best example of affiliate marketing on business is has used affiliate marketing to boost its sales and at the same time reach a greater audience worldwide with an internet presence that is rivalled by very few. Affiliate marketing can be categorised into low-hanging fruit as it is not very difficult to achieve and does not need a lot of effort. It is used by many and is also affordable which can be generate consistent sales even if it fewer in number. One of the main risks with affiliate marketing is the negative perception among consumers about the numerous online tracking technologies and also affiliates who are unethical and create a negative impression for the company. This has to be countered before going forward with implementation. This strategy will result in minor financial improvements for the company and will have a public relations effect on the firm. Social Media Marketing:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Japan Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Japan Civilization - Essay Example Secondly, the analysis will also discuss the way in which Confucianism was imported and ultimately adopted from the Chinese culture. The purpose of choosing to cultural/religious inclusions within Japanese history and culture is with regards to the fact that religion has a powerful means of altering the way in which a given culture approaches key concepts and topics. In short, religion in and of itself can transform a culture and differentiated in a way that other cultural inclusions may very well not. Whereas many religions spread around the world and into new areas due to the fact that a strong or resilient native religion is nonexistent, this is very much not the case with regards to how Buddhism spread within the Japanese culture. Ultimately, Japan had many forms of resilience and native religions that were extant far prior to the introduction of Buddhism from Korea. However, nonetheless, this interpretation of a new religious paradigm was not something that met with a great deal of strife or violence. Rather, Buddhism was oftentimes incorporated alongside the various native religions, such as Shintoism, that were already practiced within Japan. Moreover, Buddhism had yet another tangential effect due to the fact that the writing system of the â€Å"Kanji† was Incorporated alongside the religion within Japan. ... In such a way, these religious interpretations existed almost unquestioned up until the Meiji restoration. Regardless of their impact, the reader should come to the realization that the role that religion plays with regards to allowing a degree of transcultural development and integration in which many other forms of culture exchange could not hope to achieve in and of themselves. As a result of the widespread acceptance and integration of these religiously motivated norms and mores, Japanese society continues to indicate the influences that these religious interpretations have had upon the current times. Unlike many of the other nations or cultural patterns in history, conquest and violence did not define the means by which either of these religious interpretations spread in and around Japan; however, the cultural impact that they had upon the way in which society is currently evidenced and the means by which the religious history of these movements have developed the Japanese cultu re. Likewise, within the modern era, Japan has embraced a clear and distinct form of Western ideals, economics and culture. This can be seen since the time of the Meiji Restoration up until the current era. Although Japan is one of the most resilient and strongest embodiments of culture retention within the world, the nation has, nonetheless, been able to evolve and grow with the changing of the times and adopt and react to the prescient needs that the global influences that are acting upon them invoke. Specifically, the reader can realize that within the past several hundred years, Japan has opened itself to global commerce, shifted towards a industrialized nation, and adopted a capitalist model. None of these were normative factors of the indigenous culture of Japan;

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Blood Pressure Programme for African-Caribbean Essay

Blood Pressure Programme for African-Caribbean - Essay Example Accordingt o the report finndings high blood pressure is a common health challenge in the UK, especially within the African-Caribbean community. As a result, UK residents need to know about this risk and ways they can minimize them to increase lifespans and lower healthcare costs. Researchers Michelle Hubbard, Mark Avis, and Ken Brown conducted a study to acquire an insight of the way health beliefs affect the manner in which the African-Caribbean community suffering from diabetes deal with the disease. Hubbard, Avis, and Brown used one-to-one interviews on subjects from Inner-city Nottingham between 2003 and 2004. The study recorded and analysed a sample of 16 African-Caribbean subjects diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This research found out that childhood memories from the Caribbean, migration to the UK, and peers and relatives’ experiences with living with diabetes affected study subjects significantly. This effect affected the way the subjects dealt with their diagnoses of diabetes. The subjects’ insight and awareness of diabetes was below average, which possibly caused them to distrust or undervalue treatment and advice from professional medical practitioners. The research deduced that the discovered effects and relationships between memory and experience determine the way African-Caribbean suffers of diabetes deal with the illness. The programme will apply Beattie’s Model of Health Promotion to complete its objectives.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Foreign Policies on Climate Change Memorandum Essay

Foreign Policies on Climate Change Memorandum - Essay Example First, to avert the potential dangers stemming from climate change in Africa and United States, the State has created multiple agencies to fight this menace. The president tasks each agency with specific responsibilities that are related to minimizing the effects of global challenges. This is because if unchecked, temperature increase could lead to food shortage and droughts. These responsibilities feature all probable potential consequences of climate change as well as allow for the addition of the unforeseen effects. Disasters arising from climate change effects, for example, storms are usually under the direct control of FEMA. However, delegate certain disasters like the rise in sea levels fall under the Department of Security. Also, other agencies are tasked with the responsibilities constructing canals and water dam plans in arid and semi-arid parts of the continent. This proposal has the advantage that it requires little funding and few initial resources. Furthermore, it provides helpful guides should any crisis arise. What is more is that responsibilities are made clear thus averting any conflicts that might arise due to inter- agency conflicts. The conflicts could potentially lead to wastage of money time, money, and even risk lives. Secondly, Africa has been hosting climate change summit after every two years. In particular, this helps keep the subject of climate change within the public discourse. It also fosters the pressure that results from an actionable strategy for climate change.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week 7 Assginment--Business Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Week 7 Assginment--Business Report - Assignment Example First of all Outsourcing decision depends on the company as a whole, when a company wants to lower the costs by associating with the third party to make the better usage of company’s land, labor, capital, technology and its resources, time and energy. The term Outsourcing is becoming more common in the business world, nowadays. Even, there are some companies in which the entire information management is outsourced. The Companies are outsourcing to fully focus on the core process of their business, by consuming time to provide their best services to external agencies. Outsourcing also allows a company to free their most of the internal resources, which can be easily used for other purposes. The research has shown that sometimes the internal resources of a company get short, where outsourcing helps them to avail the required resources within the company. although in several cases the company finds it much difficult to manage particular functions related to the production, theref ore companies outsource by delegating the powers to the third party to manage and control the functions performed. The functions performed by the third party could be beneficial for the business. We have come to know that the Companies are also outsourcing to cut down the risk factors involved with their production or services. Outsourcing even helps a company to realize the benefits of re-engineering. Outsourcing also enables the companies to expand more in new market areas, where they can easily fasten their delivery to the end users. The research has proved that however, outsourcing provides much profit to the organizations, they need to endure. (The Top 10 Reasons To Outsource) When outsourcing you should know what advantages it can provide to your business. The research has analyzed several advantages. Some of them we will discuss. The research has shown that when a rapid growth period hits a company, the back-office operations of a

Monday, September 23, 2019


SEARCH AND SEIZURE- CRIMINAL LAW - Research Paper Example Since the enactment and implementation of this law and its subsequent amendment known as the 4th Amendment, there have been several public and academic reviews on the law. Whereas some of these reviews seek to educate the public on the mandate and interpretation of the search and seizure law, others seek to criticize the law whiles others on the other hand seek to magnify the merits of the law. In this essay, there is an integrated approach to critically analyze the search and seizure law from the view points of as many schools of thoughts as there are on the law. Overview of the Search and Seizure Law The search and seizure law entails much more than we hear in its name. This is to say that the law goes beyond just searching a person or a place and seizing items. Broadly, â€Å"â€Å"Search and seizure† refers to the methods used by law enforcement to investigate crimes, track down evidence, question witnesses, and arrest suspects† (US Legal, 2011). This means that the search and seizure was enacted with the need to track down on criminal activities by gathering and gaining enough grounds for evidence and conducting investigation. For example when a civilian gives off a police tip about a person involved in the dealing of drugs, one of the best ways the police can gather evidence on the authenticity of the suspicion on the otherwise of the suspicion is to search the suspect or his or her premises. In case drugs are truly found, the police would best represent their case in court when they seize the drugs as evident. The application of the search and seizure law in the United States however varies from State to State (US Legal, 2011). The fundamental principle based on which the law works however remains the same; regardless of the State using the law. Due to the technicality of the search and seizure law, it is ably backed and guided by other constitutional laws, commonly known as the 4th Amendment. Search and Seizure and the 4th Amendment Laws a re made to protect the citizenry. This means that laws must be devoid of rooms that permit the abuse of the fundamental human right of people. Having talked about the concept and idea behind the search and seizure law, one may be tempted to think that the search and seizure law would give room for the police and perhaps other security and intelligence agencies to abuse the privacy and safety of civilians. This is far from true. This is because the mandate of the police in using the search and seizure law is controlled by the 4th Amendment. In this regard, Bergman (2010) explains that â€Å"the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution places limits on the power of the police to make arrests, search people and their property, and seize objects and contraband (such as illegal drugs or weapons).† This is to say that the 4th Amendment is a policing tool for the police in executing their search and seizure jurisdictions. The 4th Amendment works on the principle and basis of privacy o f individuals. At the same time however, the 4th Amendment preserves the sanctity of the search and seizure law and therefore strikes a balance by protecting individuals against unreasonable search and seizure and not just against search and seizure. Bergman (2010)

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Chicana feminists movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Chicana feminists movement - Essay Example They were discriminated by the men of their lives including their father, brothers, and husbands. They were stereotyped to perform only the roles of child-bearers and homemakers without any opportunities for educational and professional pursuits. So, Chicana feminism began in 1970s because of the Chicano womens struggle for equality with Chicano men and the need for their prominence in the family setup. Chicana feminist movement was formally initiated in 1971, when about 600 Chicana women met in Houston, Texas for the Mujeres Por La Raza Conference, labeled as first National Chicana Conference. The Comisià ³n Femenil Mexicana Nacional was formed in 1973 and it also played an important catalytic role for Chicana feminism. A number of Chicana feminist groups were formed after the 1971 conference by Chicana women in different parts of the United States. These groups worked for the equality of Chicana women in family, professional, and social life. It also fought for their equal access to education, establishment of childcare centers, reproductive rights, and others However, when viewed from another perspective, the chicana feminist movement was criticized or blamed for tearing certain key values of the Chicana culture, because Chicana feminists were viewed as anti-culture and anti-family. So, the question that arises is: Does the Chicano feminist movement focused more on gender inequalities or cultural

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Circulatory System Essay Example for Free

Circulatory System Essay His first point criticised Paley’s analogy of the watch. The first part of the analogy claimed that if you found a rock while walking through a heath, you would not think anything of it. However, if you had seen a watch you would examine it and find that it had moving parts that demonstrate that the watch has a purpose, the parts work together for a purpose and they are ordered to make the watch function because if they weren’t, the watch won’t perform its function. He concluded the first part of his analogy by saying that the watch had a maker who must have existed at some time and place. The second part of the analogy claimed that if we suppose the watch had another imaginary function, and this function was the producing of other watches, then our admiration for the watchmaker would be increased. He concluded this part of his argument by saying that anyone who finds such a watch would conclude that the design of the watch implies ‘the presence of intelligence and mind’. Paley said that just like the watch being designed necessitates a designer as an explanation of its existence, all of nature requires a much greater designer. The complexity of nature is far greater than any machine human beings can make and therefore a grand designer is needed, this designer is God. Hume criticised this point by saying that the analogy is limited. For example, you could conclude from a study of the human blood circulatory system that animals had the same system. This would be a weak and mistaken analogy however to compare a human’s and an animal’s circulato ry system to the way sap circulates in a plant. Hume maintained his criticism of Paley’s analogy of the watch by an analogy of his own. This analogy said that we can conclude that a house had a builder and an architect but we cannot, however, deduce a builder or architect of the universe in the same way because there is no similarity between the two. He mentioned that if the house is faulty, what does this suggest about the designer? And so, if God did design the world, is he directly responsible for the evil within it? Paley, however, rejected this point because the issue was whether the universe exhibited signs of design. He was not concerned with questions relating to issues of quality concerning the design. Paley’s response was criticised to be unsatisfactory. Hume argued that there are other possible explanations than God for apparent design in the universe. Hume claimed that one of these possible explanations might be that as well as the possibility that there is a grand designer of the universe, it is equally possible that ‘matter may contain the spring of order originally within itself, as well as mind does’ and that unless there is perfect similarity between the object of comparison and what is being compared, you cannot draw a conclusion with any certainty. Another possible explanation for apparent design in the universe might be that any effects that we observe in nature may be caused by a variety of causes. This view supports the discovery of natural selection and the DNA and its role of shaping the growth of all living organisms. Hume claimed that there might not be just one single designer for the world. For example, we may look at a great ship and think about the great design of it, but the ship may be the result of years, even generations of trial and error. The ship may be the product of many hands and not just one great designer. From this, Hume concludes that there is no evidence to suggest the ‘unity of the deity’. Hume suggested three more theories as explanations for the design of the universe; aptness of analogy, the epicurean thesis and the argument from effect to cause. The aptness of analogy said that a watch is not a suitable analogy for the world. For example, just because a cabbage is fitted together/designed perfectly, does not mean that it has a maker/designer. By using a machine as an analogy, you would have already determined the outcome you want; you want there to be a designer and you’re already assuming that something natural, i.e. the cabbage, has a designer. The epicurean thesis was explained using an example. This example spoke about particles and said that if they were freely moving around over infinite time, by chance, one of the combinations they make would just happen to represent a stable order and this stable order is what we now live in. This example represented the view that the universe might have happened by chance. The argument from effect to cause claimed that we cannot go from an effect to a greater cause than that needed to produce the cause. We cannot say whether he made the watch alone or had some little helpers. This would mean that we do not and cannot know whether he is still active or even still alive, we can only say if the universe does/doesn’t have a designer and can’t list its traits by saying that he is benevolent, omnipotent, omniscient and infinite as many would portray him. Overall, Hume criticises the teleological argument in a number of ways. He very explicitly criticises Paley’s views on the teleological argument, using them to explain why he believes that the argument is deeply flawed.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Nanotechnologys Impact on the Field of Catalysis

Nanotechnologys Impact on the Field of Catalysis   Mohammed Yusuf What is Nanocatalysis? The word Nanocatalysis is made up of two parts, nano and catalysis. Lets begin my tackling the first part. Nano, short for nanotechnology, is the study of extremely small things, and their applications to society. 1 nanometre is a billionth of a meter (, 2016). And as for catalysis, this refers to a chemical reaction bought about by a catalyst, with a catalyst being a substance that makes it possible for a reaction to be faster, by matching chemicals together quicker (Northwestern, 1999).   Nanotechnology and catalysis go together so well because in order for a catalyst to be as good as possible, it needs to have a large surface area. This allows the catalyst to interact with as much of the reactants as possible. Why I am researching Nanocatalysis? I decided to pursue this topic because the entire chemical industry is dominated by catalysts, nearly every product created via chemical reactions has been produced with the help of a catalyst. Furthermore, I chose this topic because of its futurology aspect its a well-known fact that global warming is slowly destroying our habitat, Earth. According to NASA, the carbon dioxide levels are the highest they have ever been in 650,000 years. This is contributing to the fact that our global temperature is up 1.4o F since 1880 (, 2016). However, the scientists of this world arent just accepting this as our collective future, nanotechnology being used for catalysis has reinvented catalyst designing, and now catalysts can be designed to absorb harmful chemicals and gases that contribute to global warming. Because of nanotechnology, catalyst membranes can be modified to remove unwanted molecules from liquids and gases through the membrane design. (Nanowerk, 2010) What will this report be about?   Ã‚   This report will look into how nanotechnology is reinventing catalysis, Nanocatalysis real world applications, how it could be used to combat global warming, how Nanocatalysis is saving money and   how it is a safe alternative to ordinary catalyst. However, we will also dive into the problems that face the industry of Nanocatalysis, how it could pose health and safety issues to humans and how nanotechnology is very difficult to control. Efficiency: There are two types of catalysts, Heterogeneous and Homogenous. Heterogeneous catalysts are in different phases to the reactants, they are solid while the reactants are liquid. However Homogeneous catalysts are in the same phase as the reactants, if they are liquid, gas or solid so are the reactants. The key objective to making nanocatalysts work is making them as efficient as possible, stabilizing catalysts has been an issue for a very long time you need the catalyst to have a long lifetime, with a very high selectivity (more desired products formed). According toP. Nagaraju Rao, A good stabilizer is one that protects the nanoparticles during the catalytic process, but does not neutralize the surface of nanoparticles resulting in loss of catalytic activity. Catalyst stabilizers come in many forms, from metals to polymers. To increase efficiency as much as possible, scientists have used nanotechnology to create nanocatalysts supports. Through the discovery of a porous aluminium oxide powder, scientists have been able to improve efficiency. Dr Brian Woodfield and David Selck have used this porous material, with its huge network of pores, each 3 nanometres in length, and have filled each pore with expensive catalytic metals each pore 30,000 times smaller than a human hair. This may sound expensive, purchasing platinum and using it to fill holes, but it is on such a small scale that it is saving a huge amount of money. So, in theory, you are using less metal but each tiny piece of metal adds up to produce a huge surface area. In industry, clumps of platinum used to be used which is outrageous. Since it is a known fact that only the atoms on the surface that are exposed to the reaction are useful, this type of nanocatalysts saves so much time, money and effort. Dr Brian Woodfield and David Selck are wor king on producing tiny 1 nanometre crystals of these expensive metals and placing them in porous aluminium oxide, so every atom in the metal is being used. This streamlines production and therefore it improves efficiency. (Cougar Cosmos, 2011)[DS1] Improving reaction yield: Nanocatalysts are more efficient than normal catalysts, as I have established. This major advantage leads to a higher yield of the desired product in a chemical reaction. A real world example of this would be the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil, where the Solid acid nanocatalysis of Al0.9H0.3PW12O40 nanotubes with double acid sites yield 96% of biodiesel from waste cooking oil as compared to 42.6% with conventional H3PW12O40 catalyst.   (P. Nagaraju Rao, 2010) Absorbing harmful gas emissions: By controlling the pore size of the catalytic membranes in nanocatalysts, you can alter them to remove unwanted molecules, such as harmful gases such as CO2 (global warming) and NO2 (ozone depletion), (Nanowerk, 2016). And through further experimentation by chemical engineers, leading nanotechnology research company Oxonica have produced a nano-diesel fuel additive which decreases fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful emissions. This rock solid research has gone through years of large-scale trials. The science behind this is truly staggering through the utilization of Cerium oxide nanoparticles in the early stages of combustion, the peak pressure of reaction is reduced. This has a knock on effect, because this reduced pressure results in less NOx emission. This prolongs combustion, which leads to a reduction in inburnt hydrocarbon and, ultimately, a decrease in fuel consumption of up to 9%. This research can be applied to nanocatalysts, the genius of the resea rchers behind this discovery used fundamental physics knowledge to manufacture a product that makes the engine do more work for the same fuel used which can be also be done with catalysts! (P. Nagaraju Rao, 2010) Global warming is a very pressing issue, with the 10 warmest years ever recorded being logged since 1997 its these small improvements in existing reactions that add up to something phenomenal. (Friends of the Earth briefing, 2010) Karine Philippot and Philippe Sers research paper into the concepts of nanocatalysis perfectly outlines the benefits of nanocatalysts, as opposed to normal catalysts. Figure 1. (Karine Philippot and Philippe Ser, 2013) Shows us how nanomaterials are more efficient than regular materials. Figure 2. (Karine Philippot and Philippe Ser, 2013) Shows us how smaller particles (nanocatalysts) have higher selectivity than larger particles. Figure 3. (Karine Philippot and Philippe Ser, 2013) Shows how nanocatalysts have larger surface area than traditional catalysts. Lack of support from investors: Although the future for nanocatalysts look bright, it needs funding and support from investors to kick off and dominate the chemical industry. Investors are not heavily investing in research of newer types of catalysts. Instead, they are only investing in commercially approved nanocatalysts such as industrial enzymes. This is very worrying, as research into newer types of nanocatalysts is vital for this field to continue to improve. This wont happen if well-established nanocatalysts continue to receive the lions share of funding and investment. Lack of support from market: Funding may be vital, but so is good commercial performance. Newer nanocatalysts have a hard time finding buyers, as corporations continue to buy commercially well-established nanocatalysts. Commercially well-established nanocatalysts such as zeolites take up 98% of all global sales, which is a staggering figure. Hopefully, through more academic research companies will begin to venture into newer forms of nanocatalysts. (P. Nagaraju Rao, 2010) The market will eventually embrace nanocatalysis: Global Industry Analysts, Inc. predict that nanocatalysis will receive huge interest in the future, as global warming becomes more apparent and companies are either forced to, or willingly embrace more environmentally friendly methods. The global market for nanocatalysts is expected to reach $7.2 billion by 2020 with nanocatalysts focused on removing harmful greenhouse gasses receiving the most attention. The strength growth of automobile production in India and China means the Asia-Pacific will emerge as the fastest growing market. They believe automobile production will be a huge revenue stream for this global market as nano-catalytic converters will be become the new norm for the automobile industry. This makes sense, with the astonishing rise of the electric car, fuel based cars will eventually be phased out of society due to global warming concerns nano-catalytic converters can add a breath of life to this dying business. ( 2015[DS2]) Furthermore, Global Industry Analysts, Inc. also point to the growing focus on reducing emissions in coal-fired power plants, stringent emission control norms and increasing adoption in waste water treatment. Figure 4. (Global Industry Analysts Inc. 2016.) Nanocatalysts vs catalysts: Normal, expensive metal, catalysts have been used for a very long time this doesnt truly mean they are better. Lets take platinum as an example, which suffers from low efficiency, slow kinetics, high costs and a very short lifetime. Nanocatalysts are efficient, save money, durable and have a high stability. They are essentially the new generation of catalysts. But that doesnt mean that the old will be phased out. As Ive discussed previously, engineers and material scientists such as Dr Brian Woodfield and David Selck are using highly expensive metals such as platinum and putting them in porous nanocatalysts supports to the point where so little of the expensive metal is being used, that the actual cost is reduced extensively. (Karine Philippot and Philippe Ser, 2013) Therefore, it would be better to classify nanocatalysis as an evolution, drawing from the old norms of chemistry and material science and using the theory behind this to reinvent the standard. Through secondary research, I was able to gather information from a large number of sources. At the start of this research, I had many goals and vague ideas about what nanocatalysis had the potential to be. Through extensive research I was able to establish that nanocatalysts will be essential to solving large scale issues such as global warming by transitioning the world from large emissions of greenhouse gases to low emissions of these harmful gases. This will have huge effects on the world, with deals such as the Paris Climate Agreement put in place to ensure global warming isnt the end of the world, nanocatalysis will surely be a card government and corporations will be playing. I was also able to establish, through my research, that nanocatalysis is soon to be a very lucrative industry. Industrial predictions show that since nanocatalysts save money, improve efficiency, selectivity and yield it will grow to be a $7.2 billion dollar global market to put this into perspective, this is more than double the valuation of the Cyprus stock exchange. (Visual Capitalist, 2016) Nanotechnology may be the science of extremely small things, but it has a big future ahead of it. 2066 words including citations. YouTube, 2011. Nanocatalysis Smaller, Cheaper, More Efficient [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2016] P. Nagaraju Rao, 2010. Nanocatalysis: Applications in Chemical Industry. Nanotech, Volume 1 (Issue 1), Page 13-21 Friends of the Earth, 2010, Briefing: Climate Change Facts. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2016], (n.d). Nanocatalyst Market Trends. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2016], (n.d). What is Nanotechnology? [Online} Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2016], (2016). All of the Worlds Stock Exchanges by Size. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2016] Karine Philippot and Philippe Ser, 2013. Nanomaterials in Catalysis. Germany: Wiley-VCH, Page 25, (2016). Global Climate Change: Vital Signs if the Planet. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Aug. 2016], (2016). The Effect of Catalysts on Reaction Rates. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Aug. 2016], (1999). What is Catalysis? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016] [DS1]This is not the format for Harvard referencing. [DS2]Good use of examples in this paragraph. [DS3]Should be in alphabetical order.   

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Chevrolet Advertising :: Marketing Advertisement

Missing Figures/Works Cited Genuine Chevrolet Advertisers create ads in magazines to catch the eyes of readers and encourage them to want to buy the product. Each advertisement includes claims, warrants, and supports, which make the advertisements attractive. For example, in the attached advertisement for Chevrolet Cavalier, each of these ideas used, makes the reader want to go out and buy this car. In the advertisement, there are many catchy phrases and pictures which make the car look very desirable. Furthermore, the general nature of a magazine such as "People," where the ad is found, it attracts people of all types. As displayed in the Chevrolet advertisements, claims, warrants, and supports are used to attract people of all types. Claims in the advertisements are used to try and get people of all types to notice, admire, and eventually go out and buy this car. There are three different types of claims: policy, fact, and value. The claims of policy in this advertisement are similar to most claims of policy in ads, which are, "buy this product." The claims of policy are created by the pretty picture on the opposite side of the page, and the writing on the ad. In the picture, the pretty mountains and bright sun look very inviting to someone who needs sometime to relax. By the desire to have free time, the busy worker will think that the car will get them some free time. Then, they will want to buy the car. The writing includes lines such as, "Finally. After working for what seems like forever, you have some time to yourself." Although this quote really does not have much to do with the car, it attracts the reader who may want some free time. The claims of fact include the statements about how many miles the car can go before needing a tune up and how it fits a low budget. These kinds of claims can attract people of all kinds, mainly people looking to spend little on a car for themselves or for their children. The claims of value state that this car can take you wherever you want, and that "even though going out during your free time may cost a lot, getting there won't." From these examples of claims of policy, fact, and value, the car looks very attractive to a reader.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Thomas Hardys Tess Of The Durbervilles Essay -- Thomas Hardy Tess Dur

Thomas Hardy's Tess Of The Durbervilles In this essay I will contrast and explain the description of Flintcomb Ash and Tolbothays Dairy. These two places are very important, because each place shows an important time in Tess' life. Hardy uses Tolbothays Dairy to represent the love and happiness she found and the chance for a new beginning after what happened with Alec. Alec raped her, he saw her as an object of desire. He took away her innocence. This was replaced with the burden of a child that dies. At this time, having a child out of wedlock was a form of public shame. In comparison, Flintcomb ash is where she was unhappy and shows us the audience a time of hard ship. Tess goes to Tolbothays because she cannot face any one in her own town, this is because Alec raped her. Then her baby dies her mother might have been partly to blame for the rape because she dressed her as an object of desire, because of all this happening Tess leaves and goes to Tolbothays Dairy there she hopes to start over again. Flintcomb Ash is a farm, She is forced to find work as a result of her husband (Angle) leaving her and going to Brazil. When Tess arrives at Talbothays she is feeling that there is great optimism and hope for the future. She has now recovered from her recent tragic experiences and feels stronger and healed. "Her hopes mingled with the Sunshine." This shows that she is happy and the colour yellow from the sun represents this. Hardy uses pathetic fallacy to represent the season and the greatness of the place in the narrate. It shows images of fertilely, a new start and a new life for Tess, this is a happy time for Tess. When Tess is at Tolbothays it is in the month of May, "thyme scented bird hatching mor... ...lec's appearance at the farm to represent this as she was also at a low point on her first meeting with Alec. In conclusion, Hardy has made these two different place (Talbothays and Flintcomb - Ash) very important parts in his novel because together with the use of colour, similes, metaphors, personification, pathetic fallacy and Hardy's good use of description, it helps us to create two different parts in Tess' life. One of which was full of love with Angle, happiness and sunny days spent at Talbothays. But in total opposite to this she also spent an equally important part of her life at Flintcomb - Ash. Where she felt nothing but pain and suffering in the long cold hard months she spent there, to give an image of her break up with Angel and the thought that she may be left with a future of suffering compared with what she could have had at Talbothays.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Alcoholism :: essays research papers

The Physical Effects of Alcohol on the Body Alcoholism is a disease which, in many cases, appears to be a genetically transmitted biochemical defect. However, in other instances, it appears to be caused by overwhelming bombardment of the physiology of the body by repeated episodes of heavy drinking resulting in the incapacity to handle alcohol normally. Psychological and/or social pressures may aggravate the disease. It is characterized by a typical progression of drinking behavior that requires an average of twelve and one-half years of drinking to reach fully developed, overt symptoms and an average of eighteen years to reach the stage of deterioration. It is seen most frequently in those of Eskimo or American Indian descent. Among those of Caucasian descent, the Irish, French and Scandinavians exhibit a far higher incidence than do other European population groups. The disease is further characterized by physical damage in all system of the body, the most serious of which is encountered in the cardiovascular system, th e nervous system and the liver. In these three areas the damage may eventually prove fatal. Living the life of an alcoholic is hard work - the body suffers. There is complete unanimity of opinion that alcoholic drinking is very bad for the heart. Not only does the alcoholic suffer increased risk of heart disease, but he may also sustain direct damage to the heart from alcohol. Alcoholic drinking results in: Increased lipid levels which may result in arteriosclerosis and increased risk of stroke and possible early death. Possible development of alcoholic cardiomyopathy, resulting from injury to the energy-producing portion of the heart muscle, which may lead to death from heart failure. Damage to the nervous system in alcoholics has been recognized for many years. Some of the possible neurological effects of alcoholism include: Development of diseases caused by vitamin B deficiencies. Impairment of overall mental functioning. Some of the ancient physicians recognized an impairment of overall mental functioning in those who drank excessively and recent brain cell studies suggest that an alcoholic literally kills off brain cells at a more rapid pace than normal. If one destroys brain cells rapidly enough and for a long enough period of time, eventually the "cell bank" of reserves will be depleted, and the subject will begin to show impaired mental functioning. This appears to be the sequence of events observed in the EEG tracings and clinical observations of alcoholics. The gastrointestinal system is prominent among the organ systems damaged by alcohol.

Geological History Of Adair Park South West Arizona

I. On Saturday, November 16, 2013, our Geology class went to Adair Park Yuma Arizona on our adventure of a lifetime. The point of the trip was to view real life examples of some of the things that we have studied over the course of this semester. Actually being able to see examples of such things as cross-bedding dikes, unconformities, folds faults and various sedimentary features. II. The first stop of the field trip was to look at the Gneiss. The Gneiss has been around for about 1. 6 bilion years. The probable type of contact metamorphism The general term for all such incorporated bodies is inclusions.Xenoliths are usually reconstituted through the processes of contact metamorphism, in which heat and fluids cause mineralogic and chemical changes in the parent rock of the xenolith; a study of these changes can give information on the temperature and composition of the magmatic body. The mineral compostition that what we could see were Biotite, Muscovite and quartz. The other signifi cant feature the dikes(white) that was younger in the cross cuting through the Gneiss. III. The second stop of this field trip was to look at the Granite. The Granite and has been here for around 1. 4 billion years.The type of rock Granite which is Igneous with a funeratic course grined, with grains visible on fresh surface. The type of mineral composition in the Granite is Orthoclase, Quartz and Biotite. IV. The third stop of this field trip was to look at the Pegimatite. The Pegmatite has been around for about 73 million years. Pegmatite is very coarse granite. Pematieites are thought to form from the bolatile low-denisity fluids that crystallize last from the grainitic magma. V. The fourth stop of this field trip was to look at the Red Beds. The red beds have been in the area around 20-30 million years old.The steep cliffs of Adair Park and the surrounding lowlands offer breathtaking exposures of the lower subunit–the red conglomerates/breccias and gypsum. These red-bed de posits are composed of interbedded breccias, conglomerates, sandstones. In other areas it commonly forms a medium thin, dirty, discontinous bed up to 10 – 60 cm thin beds are usually well sorted, clast-supported, commonly normally graded.The conglomerates are also thinly bedded and clast-supported, but are moderately well-sorted to poorly sorted and contain an abundance of angular to well-rounded quartz, feldspar,  calcite, granite and gneiss. metamorphic, and mafic volcanic clasts. The conglomerates can generally be distingushed from the breccias by their well-bedded nature. VI. The fifth stop of this field trip was to look at the Green/Tan Beds. The green and tan beds have been in the area around 20-30 million years old. These green and tan bed deposits are compsed of gypum. On other areias it commony forms a thin disconintuous bed up to 10 cm thin are usually well sorted , clast-supported commonly normally well sorted, commonly normally graded.The gypsum are also thinly bedded and poorly sorted, but are mederately  well-sorted to poorly sorted and contain an abundance of angular calcite, and hornblend. See Figure 2. VII. The sixth stop of this field trip was to look at the diobase dike. This diobase dike have been here less than 10 million years. The diobase dike are composed of a metamorphic- plutonic basement that is overlain by middle Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks.. Much of thesedimentary sequence was deposited before the onset of volcanism and tectonism, although the local presence of clasts of volcanic origin suggests at least some synchroneity.The sedimentary rocks are commonly in low-angle normal fault contact  with underlying basement rocks. Gentle folding and warping, along with poorly developed cleavage, are generally present. Tertiary volcanic rocks are dominantly intermediate to mafic flows with lesser amounts of pyroclastic material. Olivine, augmite and green poroxy is largely altered. See Figure 1. VIII. The seventh sto p of this trip was to look at the Terrace Gravels. The terrace gravels have been around for around 200,000 years. An angular unconfomity of Adar formation with the overlying terrace gravels. In some place of Adair park the terrace gravels can be as much as 200 feet thick.The were mountains that used to be in the area but with water erosion the mountains dispareared. Bajada, ( Spanish: â€Å"slope†: ) is a broad slope of debris spread along the lower slopes of mountains by descending streams, usually found in arid or semiarid climates; the term was adopted because of its use in the U. S. Southwest. A bajada is often formed by the coalescing of several alluvial fans. Such coalescent fans are often mistaken for erosional landforms known as pediments. The repeated shifting of a debouching stream from one side of a fan to the other spreads the sediment widely and almost  uniformly.As the sediment eventually grows together, the slope may extend outward from the mountain front to a distance of several kilometres. A bajada is usually composed of gravelly alluvium and may even have large boulders interbedded in it. XL. Inconclusion the field trip really helped me learn some of the stuff that we studied during this course being able to see some real examples and havintg them explained to us. This has been fun class any your are great professor. I appreciate your sense of humor during the class and your attempt to make learning fun.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Popular culture Essay

The idea of popular culture can be epitomized in many mediums nowadays whether it is in films, books, songs or photographs. This paper discusses the way that the `ghetto culture’ is portrayed within various mediums. The first part of this paper will deal with the popular movie `Boyz in the Hood (1991)’ written and directed by John Singleton. Music is known as the avenue where contemporary culture exists – this paper will look at the lyrics in the Crompton’s Most Wanted (CMW) song Growing up in the Hood. It is clear to see the similarities that exist between the two mediums and how ghetto life is expressed. The third medium that will be analyzed in this discussion is that of African American poetry. The poem to be analyzed here is Ghetto Child by Langston Hughes. This poem can be seen to be in line with the other two artifacts that are analyzed this paper. When as an active audience people view these forms of media together we can see how powerful different forms of literature can be on the human soul. Boyz in the Hood known as a groundbreaking movie for its hard-hitting realism and its â€Å"street’’ outlook. This realism made the film so popular and the reason it had so much interest to both black and white audiences. It is a rare instance when a film about one socio economic group can apply to everyone, however John Singleton was successful in doing this in this piece of work. It has been said that the realism of the film and the fact that there was such a human element to the characters that made the characters seem so real and so close to home (as though Tre or Ricky could be one of your neighbors). The film also brought black ghetto culture into mainstream movie theatres (this was not the case prior to this where very little is known about African American films before Boyz in the Hood such as Sweet Sweetback’s Badassess Song (1971) – in the past 10 or more years since this film was made it is clear to see that the African American film industry has become more visible. This is a good thing as African American Culture is no longer hidden behind closed doors – people have the chance to see what life is like in the black ghetto culture of the United States. Singleton wrote and directed a movie that appeals to many different audiences. Critics have praised this film time and time again for the way that it portrays the realistic elements of African American life. A point that is of interest to note that creates a point of difference to a number of films produced prior to Boyz in the Hood was in the way that women are portrayed. Typically, in other films that deal with African American life we (the audience) see women portrayed as servants, prostitutes and welfare mothers. This film is the exception where the stereotype of the black women being unemployed does not exist. We see a glimpse of it at the start of the film when the teacher was speaking to Tre’s mother on the phone and the teacher insinuated that the mother did not work. However, this stereotype came to a pass quickly. The women who play the main characters especially Tre’s mother are seen as strong educated and successful women. Even at the end of the film Tre’s girlfriend ends up going to college (this is a different action to one that people would expect in such a film). Another way we can look at the way that powerful black women are portrayed in this film is so look at Tre’s mother and see how she carries herself and the way she dresses. In comparison to many other films where the African American woman is in a lead role we see her struggling in the African American world, however in this film we see Reva (Tre’s mother) as the strong female living in a white world where it is not important whether you are black or white. Another theme/ idea portrayed in this film in relation to the `ghetto culture’ pertains to the way that Tre’s father (Furious) is adamant that he does not want Tre to turn out like the other boys from the ghetto – he wants him to make something of his life and not be one of the kids committing robberies and loitering around liquor stores. This is a strong and powerful message that Furious portrays throughout the film and one the many reasons why this film was such a success in portraying what life is really like in the `ghetto’. Another theme/ idea that is evident throughout the film is the idea of having a positive role model when growing up in the ghetto. Throughout the film Furious tries to teach Tre what is right and what is wrong. In the early part of the film we see Furious teaching Tre his very first lesson in the scene where Furious shoots at a burglar and talks to Tre about it after wards sitting on the porch waiting for the police to arrive. Furious: Somebody must have been praying for that fool, cause I swear I aimed right for his head. Tre Age 10: You should have blew it off. Furious: Don’t say that. Don’t say that. Just would’ve contributed to killing another brother. This being a contributing factor to killing another brother is another theme that permeates throughout the film. However, it is the final part of the film when Ricky is chased and murdered that we understand what this whole idea of killing another brother is like and how fragile and fleeting life is if you live in the ghetto. All Ricky did was annoy a guy the night before which led to his untimely death when he walked down to the corner store to pick up some oatmeal. The audience learns in the final scene that what goes around comes around if you kill one of your `brothers` you in turn will be killed. The shooting scene further indicates the powerful influence that Furious has had on Tre in making the man that he grew up to be. Despite, being so angry with the person that shot Ricky, Tre had a permanent voice in his head that told him that he could not be involved with Doughboy in shooting down the perpetrator responsible for Ricky’s death. Tre understood that everything his father taught him was for a reason and to protect his son. This is indicative in the credits as two weeks after Ricky was buried Dough boy was murdered and so the `circle of death’ continues. Because Tre lived his life in the image of his father he went to college and escaped from the `hood’ to create a better life for himself. In today’s society music is one of the major forms of expression and because of this it is clear to see how the lyrics in songs come to mean certain things in popular culture. In looking at the lyrics in Crompton’s Most Wanted (CMW) song Growing up in the Hood we can understand how the artist feels about growing up in the hood and can understand the words in a song in much the same way that you understand an underlying message when you watch a film. In looking at just the one song is it interesting how many different themes and ideas are permeated in a three-minute recording. In this song the artist has made it clear that living in the hood is violent and because of this you constantly live a dangerous lifestyle and are constantly running away from people so that they do not hurt you or try to kill you. Quick up the stairs so little sucker stop looking Stagger up to the house so I can collect my whooping But watch out ‘cause a little nigga’s up to no good Growin’ up in the hood. The lyrics in this song further describe the fear that exists when one lives in the hood that if you stay in the hood you will die in the hood. The lyrics above indicate the fear that men living in the hood have to come to terms with in everyday of their lives. The song also suggests that when young boys grow up in the hood they are not always aware of what lies ahead. â€Å"Growing up in the hood, yea boy, 1984 Was the year my peers didn’t know what was in store. â€Å" Another idea that is permeated in this song and that is an issue for African Americans living in the ghetto is that of the police. Police are awful to those people who live in the hood – they make them feel as they are dirt and they do not have the right to exist. Police sweat my tip and keep harassing Trying to lock me up ’cause I keep on blasting Community trying to shut me out Through song lyrics it is almost as if the listener feels the pain that the rapper is going through in terms of the way that the police treat him. Music is a powerful way where one person can express how they feel and how deep they feel. Throughout mainstream media it is clear to see the negative relationship that exists between those in the hood and that of the police. It is indicative in the lyrics to the above song and in the way that the brutality of the police force was described in Boyz in the Hood and in other mainstream films that dealt with the hood culture. Another theme that is expressed through the lyrics in this rap deals with the singers feeling towards his own violence where he feels that because he has existed in that environment for so long that he has become violent to and cannot seem to escape from the violent behavior. Throughout out the rap, the listen understand that life in the hood is all about women (â€Å"bitches’’) and money – those are the man thing that a mans life revolves around in the end. An image of frustration seems to be permeated throughout the rap at the same time and certain lyrics further create this image – â€Å"I got hard times and realize †¦ sometimes I wonder†¦ but it just seems that the hood took me under. ’’ It is interesting to note that in ghetto culture that women do not like to be referred to as `bitches`, `hoes` etc they like to be thought of as women and to be called a women. By referring to women as `bitches’ and the circle will continue – children learn from their parents. In Boyz in the Hood the young men do not seem to respect women and refer to them in derogatory ways and views women as `bitches’ and `hoes’. Doughboy was the character that permeated this stereotype. In the scene where all the young people were at the community barbeque and Tre said to the boys that the women should be the first to eat (he was being polite and being a gentleman). Doughboy was not however. Doughboy: Ho’s gotta eat too. Shalika: Who you callin’ a ho’, I ain’t no ho’. Doughboy: Oops, I’m sorry, bitch. It is clear to see that throughout the movie that Doughboy has no respect for women/ has grown up speaking to women and referring to them in a particular way. Doughboy: Don’t go to college to be talkin’ to no bitches. Your black ass ‘posed to be learnin’ somethin’. Can’t learn shit talkin’ to no stupid ass bitch. It is through the power of words that we as individuals learn what life is like for others and what life means to a particular person. The last cultural artefact that will be analysed in this paper pertains to that of African American poetry. The piece of poetry to be analysed here is apiece by C. Highsmith-Hooks called Ghetto Child. Even from the title of the piece we can come to an understanding of what the poem will be about and the fact that the poem is going to feed deep into your soul once you read the poem. This poem is found in the famous collection by C. Highsmith-Hooks called The Soul of a Black Woman. There were a number of reasons why I chose to analyze this poem and relate it to the other two cultural artefacts but the main reason was because this is a poem written by a woman and the other two mediums analyzed were written by men. Ghetto Child tells the story of a child from the `hood’ whose senseless death is mourned by his mother only. This poem was interesting because it pertained to the very essence of what was conveyed in the other two mediums analyzed that a life in the hood leads to death no matter what way one looks at it. In Boyz in the Hood both Ricky and Doughboy were murdered in the hood. This poem helps the audience understand what it is like for a woman in the `hood’ when she looses a child. This notion was briefly shown in Boyz in the Hood when Ricky was murdered and his mother broke down. It is always said that it is better reading a book before you see a film. In this same sense it is important to understand that reading a poem is much better than watching a film as you get to understand and create your own imagery and understand the character in your own mind. In Conclusion, it is clear that there are similarities in the way that the `hood culture` is conveyed in the three cultural artefacts – film, music and poetry that were analyzed in this paper. The major themes explored in these cultural artefacts were that of the permenant violence that surrounds life in the hood – especially for young males. It is a dog eat dog world in the hood and as a young man you need to make a choice about whether or not you will be using a gun because if you do you surely will get killed in the end. Another point that is of interest and has produced ideologies in all three cultural artefacts was how women are viewed in the ghetto. Males seem to have little respect for women with the except being the character of Tre in Boyz in the Hood where he was taught from an early age how to be a good man and in turn respect women. The other characters in the film had little respect for women and often referred to women as â€Å"bitches’’ or â€Å"hoes’’. References: Film: Boyz in the Hood (1991) : Written and directed by John Singleton. Lyrics: Growing up in the Hood – CMW Poem: C. Highsmith-Hooks â€Å"Ghetto Child’’ in The Soul of a Black Woman: From a Whisper to a Shout (2002).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Why Torture Is a Good Thing

Why Torture is a Good Thing. Recently the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi has come under fire for comments she made about torture, once again bringing the topic of torture back into the national spotlight. There are so many different sides to the debate on whether our government should or should not allow torture in the integration of suspected Al Qaeda members currently locked up in the United States military prison located in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.There are those people who say that nothing good ever comes out of integration that uses anything that could be torture, but the truth is that is some of where our best intelligence in the War on Terror has come from the use of harsh integrating techniques. There are many different forms of intergation method that are uses by our government that have been called torture by those wishing to prevent them from happening. Our government loosly defines torture as any method of intergation that does not leave any physical d amage to the person that it is being used upon, there is nothing there about harsh intergation technique.There are many different forms of intergation tactects that are uses that have been called torture, but these methods do not physical harm nor to they leave any long term physical injures. The United States government does not use many of the traditional torture techniques that many foreign governments and Al Qaeda use; such as beatings, electric shock, and starvation. Waterboarding is one of the biggest intergation that has come under attack. Water boarding is preformed by tieing a person down with his feet raised above his head, then covering his mouth and nose.Finaly water is poured over there persons face, all this causes the mind to believe that the person is drowning. Even though no physical harm comes to the person; this technique is one of the most criticized forms of harsh integration techniques used. Water boarding is preformed on our own solders to prepare them for wha t they might have to live through if they are captured on the battle fields. Another form of integration techniques that is currently used is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is not allowing the body to sleep enough, through the use of loud music or forcing the victim to stand.By not allowing the body to sleep it allows the mind to become weak and less defensive when being questioned, leaving the prisoners less likely to lie when questioned. Another technique that is used is the use of stress positions, which is placing a person in a position that becomes uncomfortable after a long period of time, such as standing, or kneeling for periods of up to four hours, no long term effects are caused by this. The pain that is felt is very real and at times very intense but it is gone as soon as they are allowed out of the stress positions. No long term damage has ever been cause by the use of stress positions.The critics of these harsh integration techniques call it torture, but they say nothing about what our men and women have been put through by foreign governments and foreign fighters through our history, and it still happening today. Many foreign countries use physical beatings to gather information, they have gone as far as breaking bones, and many times have beaten the victim to death. Al Qaeda and the Taliban have used these tactics along with beheadings of prisoners to try to scare our fighters, as well innocent civilians that Al Qaeda has kidnapped, since the beginning of the War on Terror. Where is the out cry from the world over that?All we are doing is trying to prevent another attack on our country. Some of the best intelligence we have gotten since the start of the War on Terror has come from the use of harsh integration techniques. The American government has stopped several terrorism attacks since the attack on September eleventh. 2001. Some of these would have been worse than that tragic September day, and how were these attacks prevented, by the u se of harsh integration techniques. The captured Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters are well trained and very loyal to the cause. Our government has tried normal integration techniques to no avail.These captured men would not talk until the use of these integration techniques was introduced. Once introduced many of these captured fighters broke and gave away plans that otherwise would have not come out. There is no other way to keep our country safe, other methods have been tried and have failed. Our government uses many techniques that may boarder on torture to gather information and to prevent another terrorist attack. In a perfect world there would be no use for many of these harsh integration techniques that are currently being employed by our government against Al Qaeda and the Taliban fighters.But unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world. Until Al Qaeda gives ups its desire to see America destroyed we need to what we can and we must continue to use these harsh integration te chniques. Our government does not view the use of sleep deprivation, water boarding, and stress positions; they are far more humane than what Americans soldiers have gone through by foreign governments when captured. The only way to keep America safe is to continue to use these intergation techniques until the threat possed by Al Qaeda is gone

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Motivation case study Essay

When i ï ¬ rst heard that the manger assigned me to be the lead the Customer Relations team i was very happy. but when start to work there i found some motivation issue with the section. as we all know the motivation is the most important thing in the work environment, and the real challenge is to keep your employees always motivated. So i did so research about the best strategy and approach to use and her the result. Applying the same strategies you use with all of your employees won’t be as productive or eï ¬â‚¬ective withe every one, so we have to know what is the suitable theory and approach for each group. you have to keep the enthusiastic and motivated employees and improve their performance. in this case the most eï ¬â‚¬ected theory will be Goal setting theory. the research showed that there are a strong relationship between how speciï ¬ c and diï ¬Æ'cult was the goal and the people’s performance at the mission. And thus the more diï ¬Æ'cult and challenging are the tasks, they will have a higher rate of performance. This is What the goal setting theory all about. to achieve the best result from this theory, the goal must have ï ¬ ve principle: clear, challenging goals and commit the employees to achieving them. Provide feedback on goal performance, considerate the complexity of the task. if we apply this theory in this group of employees the overall performance will improve, because there always be some task and goal to achieve and that will keep them enthusiastic and motivated. In addition, we can apply the Job enlargement Approach and add more variety to there work by tasks. To understand the unenthusiastic and obstinate employees of your ï ¬ rm and make  them more eï ¬Æ'ciency and productivity in there performance you ï ¬ rst have to understand there needs and motivation of work. this is fundamental part between the leader and the employees (emotional control), because when the follower known that the leader is looking after them they will give their best in return. For this group of employees the best theory will be (Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory). Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory Published by psychologist Abraham Maslow. † this theory contends that as humans strive to meet our most basic needs, we also seek to satisfy a higher set of needs†. Maslow presents this set of needs as a hierarchy, consisting of: Physiological, Safety, Love, Self-esteem, Self-actualization. This theory will eï ¬â‚¬ected in this group for 2 reasons: By understanding the employees needs you will recognize that the money don’t solve everything. the people have many need you cant achieved by hard cash.Theory give the Manager the ability to satisfy the employees without costly. its not expensive to create safety environment for them or to have team social where 3 EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION they get to know each other. that will help them to be more enthusiastic and less obstinate. on the other hand we can apply Job rotation Approach and moving the unenthusiastic employees to other sections where they can be more comfortable and enthusiastic. The main reason for the high absenteeism and poor attitude toward the customer is dissatisfaction with the work environment.If we want to ï ¬ x this problem, we ï ¬ rst have to know what are the things that bother the staï ¬â‚¬. Herzberg’s Motivator theory can help us to discover what are the things that make the employees Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction. the theory said that the The opposite of Satisfaction is No Satisfaction and The opposite of Dissatisfaction is No Dissatisfaction. therefor we have ï ¬ rst to Eliminate Job Dissatisfaction (hygiene factors) such as Security, Status, Salary and Company Policies. Then Create Conditions for Job Satisfaction such as Achievement, Recognition and Responsibility. After we ï ¬ nish this two step the people will start to be more Satisfaction and motivated by the work environment. the best theory for ambitious and want to advance in the organization employees is McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory. According to the theory, each person have diï ¬â‚¬erent dominant motivators, whether these are the needs for power, achievement or aï ¬Æ'liation. by knowing which dominant motivators work for each person in your team, you can structure praise and rewards eï ¬â‚¬ectively. Also by using this theory you will help your employees to be more achievable and ambitious. In the next few lines I will explain the pest program to keep the your employees motivated and enthusiastic According to my research.  Try to make the work environment more comfortable and pleasant as possible, especially for the employees with low-skill and monotonous roles. Additionally, don’t forget to Reward your team, even by saying â€Å"thank you† for them even if they do a small job. Let them having control some time, when the people feeling that they have the control of what tasks and project they can, that give the more job satisfaction. People with low ambitious usually go for low state job, So you have to make them feel proud of what they did and treat them equally with the other employees even in the rewards. The best approach that you can use here is â€Å"Job Enrichment†, which mean simply â€Å"Increasing Job Satisfaction†.When your work assignments reï ¬â€šect task identity, a good level of skill variety, task signiï ¬ cance, autonomy, and feedback, your employees are likely be much more satisfaction, also have high work eï ¬â‚¬ectiveness and high intrinsic work motivation. EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION CONCLUSION: understanding that factors that motivate your employees is the most signiï ¬ cant part of your role as the manager. Also that will help your business to improve. More ever, providing the best environment will help you to keep them motivated and satisfaction. As a manager you have to be close to your employees and know they needs Individually. 3

Friday, September 13, 2019

Political Kuwait before and after oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Kuwait before and after oil - Essay Example Prior to the discovery of oil in Kuwait, their political structure was that different political classes were indebted to one another. This included the pearl divers, the captains, the merchants, the international merchants, and the ruling family, including the Sheikh. The entire political and governance structure was supported by debt that could not be rapid due to its amount. This, however, changed with discovery of oil as the government began to distribute wealth deliberately among all its recognized citizens. Kuwait also became a welfare state, while money was also funneled into the private sector through land purchases from the government at inflated prices (Slot 106). This worked to wipe out almost all debts owed by citizens. Prior to the discovery of oil, the Sheikh in Kuwait carried out all the executive functions of government, including the arbitration of disputes, using customary rules. Those disputes that he felt were covered under Sharia law were sent to the judges, although this was only to allow him make an informed and just decision (Slot 102). For this reason, it was important that the ruler availed himself to the people through open Majlis that enabled them to present grievances and disputes directly to the ruler. However, with the discovery of oil, government work expanded rapidly to include numerous agencies as required. The machinery of government diversified to include the Supreme Council that was constituted by various heads of government agencies. The Supreme Council became almost like a Politburo in that it reflected sharing of power among individuals linked to the ruling family, while the Amir’s continued absence from its sittings gave it a level of independence despite his con tinued chairmanship. In a further change to political structure away from the centralized figure of the Amir, the Organizing Body was formed to reform government

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 - Essay Example To undertake construction Ferdinand de Lesseps created a company with Egyptian partners known as the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company. At the time the Ottoman Empire had influence and control over Egypt’s politics. The economic crisis forced Egypt’s ruler to sell his shares of the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company to England. England now had considerable share in the operation of the canal along with French investors, whereas Egypt lost control over the canal and its profits. The period saw great turmoil and the wars made the potential and strategic importance of the canal apparent to all forces. The British Imperial Empire had colonies across the world and the canal proved to be essential for trade. In 1882 Egypt was invaded by the British and the country was termed an indispensable possession of the British Empire. The canal became a super highway for the British to link its trade to its colonies in East Africa, India, and Australia. Egyptian rebel groups tried to pu sh British Colonial Empire but were not successful. 2. Weakening of the British Colonial Empire After the World War II, the British Empire faced economic difficulties to maintain its colonial empire. The Indian subcontinent was left after the war and the British forces were weakened. The time saw an uprising among the Egyptians to phase out the British from the country. The British maintained presence of a garrison at Suez to protect her strategic interests. The British were allowed to maintain presence of 10,000 troops on the basis of Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 (Tucker 107). But Egyptian rebel groups started gaining popularity of the masses and pressure increased over Britain to vacate the area. The events ultimately led to a coup in 1952 and finished kingship in the country. Egypt was made a republic by the key member of the coup and the new president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser. 3. Nationalization of Suez Canal Gamal Abdel Nasser was the second president of Egypt and gathered support against the colonialist. He shifted cooperation of Egypt towards the Soviets and the act ions were against the two super powers of the time, the British and the French. He was viewed as a great threat by the two forces. At the time the US had very less influence in the Middle East. Its main ally in the region was Saudi Arabia. Gamal Abdel Nasser moved towards Saudi Arabia for its future ties and the US saw an opportunity to increase influence in the region. The biggest step that Gamal took against the British and the French was perhaps the nationalization of the Suez Canal on 26 July 1956 (Witte 51). This step was the basis of this crisis. The British and the French militaries were exhausted and their economies were at a low stage. Gamal took over the Suez Canal without firing a single shot and the Suez Canal came under Egypt. He cancelled the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 and forced the British to vacate the canal within the next 20 months (Tucker 107). This was a surprise move by the army and the British forces were not given a chance to react. The Suez Canal Company was frozen and all its shareholders were given the share. 4. Buildup of Egyptian Army Foreseeing the threats, Gamal used his newly developed relations to build up his army on modern weapons through an arms deal with Czechoslovakia (DeRouen and Heo 346). These weapons were from the Soviets and the two countries became close allies. The Soviets equipped Egypt with modern tanks and its air force with fighters and bombers. Artillery guns were given to Egypt and Self Propelled Artillery pieces were procured from the Soviets to move along with the tanks in the desert

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Human Sexuality Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Sexuality - Personal Statement Example An in-depth understanding of these aspects of human sexuality drew me to become a part of this class so that I can gain better knowledge with regard to this subject and pass it on to others. On a scale of 1 (very comfortable) to 10 (a significant amount of reservation or nervousness), where would you rank your level of current comfort or discomfort regarding what to expect while studying human sexuality? Why did you select the rating that you did? With regard to my expectations of studying human sexuality, my level of comfort on this scale is 4. Despite of the fact that I am interested in studying about human sexuality, I have been discouraged by a few members of my family as well as my peers. They provided me with reasons that this class is not very fruitful and it does not provide good learning. These account for a few reasons why I am nervous regarding my expectations of the human sexuality class. It is owing to my own interest and research with regard to this subject that I am still more than willing to become a part of this class. I believe that studying this subject will provide me with good knowledge regarding all the aspects of human sexuality and it is for this reason that I am joining this